New C89.5 Transmitter is now live!

Blue skies peek out from behind winter clouds… cherry blossoms are in bloom… and the new C89.5 transmitter is now on the air!

The transmitter shipped from Quincy, Illinois and was delivered to Cougar Mountain in the middle of March. C89.5 Operations Manager Richard Dalton worked closely with our Chief Engineer, Buzz Anderson, to move it into our space in the transmitter building. They built a new transmission line to get the signal from the transmitter to the antenna on the tower. They installed a new GPS receiver on the roof of the building to help synchronize our analog and HD signals. Then the audio signal was fed into a ‘dummy load’ to ensure everything was working properly.

With those tasks behind us, we turned the new transmitter on last week and began our on-air testing protocols. You may have noticed that the music seemed a little ‘muddy’ one day as we adjusted the signal processing — or you may have heard what sounded like audio hiccups for a couple of hours as we synchronized our HD and analog signals. It was all part of the process necessary to prepare the new transmitter to take over full-time operation. That day has come and the transition was successful.

I hope you hear a cleaner, crisper sound to the music. I’ve personally noticed that I can hear the station a little longer when I drive into a parking garage. The transmitter is not any stronger, but the technology is better, allowing the signal to penetrate buildings more than it could before.

Thanks to everyone who made donations to the Transmitter Fund. We’re proud to be Seattle’s Original Home For Dance.

GM June


  • Totally noticed some serious multipath yesterday on the viaduct, seemed way better in the evening. Glad the transition went well! Happy to have my music reliably running again!

    • Hi Adam, thanks for the feedback! Was it the lower level of the viaduct that you had trouble? And were you using an HD radio?

      I’d love to drive around the metro and see how the new HD signal does (but I don’t have access to a car with an HD radio without renting one).

      • Hey Richard. It was the top level of the Viaduct. It the entire length of it from SODO to the Western Ave Exit. Also during sunset and the atmospheric pressure has been unusually low, which can impact FM signals.

        I was listening to the analog signal. HD stations shouldn’t have a multipath problem since they are digital (either get it or you don’t). My only comment is the multipath seemed worse then normal.

        I’m sure the HD channel is just fine.

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