
Upper text in green "C895's C-Trends Presents: Entertainment Media Interviews" Lower text in light green surrounding MrBallen logo "Hosted by DJ Wrath..... Special Guest: MrBallen. On top of purple background with c895 logo in lower left corner.

C-Trends: Entertainment Media Interviews

This is Entertainment Media Interviews, where our host, DJ Wrath, Interviews influential people in podcasts, Youtube, and other various media forms. This time on Entertainment Media Interviews, your host Dj Wrath is interviewing a Youtuber and...

Graphic featuring white text "Seattle Punk-Cast!! With Ceci & Shannen" on black and red swirl background


There’s a lot of words you could use to describe the punk scene, Loud, Raucous, Crazy, and the Seattle scene fits that description to a tee. Although the history of the Seattle scene can be a little convoluted and murky With the information...

White text with thick purple outline "Music Production" sits in top left corner. On top of music production board in purple blue lighting.

C-Trends: Music Production

On C-Trends Sean O’Daniel will be discussing what it’s like to make and record music as a smaller artist. How is it different, what are the struggles and benefits. Why do many indie projects have a distinctive “sound” to them? The main reason...

Black text with blue outline "Movie Reviews" on the right of static TV with 3D googles. On top of blue to purple gradient background.

C-Trends: Movie Reviews

This semester C895 radio students were asked to create a podcast on a topic of their choosing for their final project. The Movie Reviews podcast is hosted by Nathan Hale junior McNugget and co-hosted by junior Grimm and seniors Calvin Forsyth and...

Comic of two fish, left fish saying "Like ocean stuff?" right fish responding "check out c89.5's C-Trends!". Right black text with sea blue green outline "Puget Sound".

C-Trends: Puget Sound

In my show, I talk about the impacts of human interference in out aquatic ecosystems. I give real information on species and what we can do to help. We are impacting our environment more than we think. We are constantly changing the world around us...

Picture of J.T. Warrent and father at airport with white text to the right of image "The Live Footsteps". On black background.

C-Trends: The Live Footsteps

This is J.t warrant with my c89.5 c-trends epsiode, The Live Footsteps. This episode is about my experience of moving around in a military family. I will be talking with Jeff Thoren who grew up moving around with his family because of his military...

Graphic with black text "C-Trends Golf Talk" in front of golf course background. With photo of man golfing at top right of graphic.

C-Trends: Golf Talk

C895, get ready for a sit-down golf talk that you didn’t know you needed! You are going to be the lucky listener of a brand new C895 C-trends episode where we will go in depth on the happenings of the golf world. With the PGA and LIV drama going...

Blue text outlined with dark purple "C-Trends Fall 2023" making a circle shape surround blue and purple neon microphone graphic. Black c895 logo in bottom right corner. On purple and red smoke background.

C-Trends 23′ Coming Saturday!

Coming this Saturday, get ready for a student-made podcast marathon! Catch new episodes from incoming and established radio students on topics from skiing and movie reviews to taking a deeper look into Seattle’s strangest attractions and even...
